09 September 2006

Colloquy, Pogo style

Owl: Let's start at the beginnin' again an' let's keep our fierce
an' indomidouble tempers under con-trol.
Churchy: Alright--Let's be gentlemens an' considerant of each other's
frailities an' foibobbles.
Owl: Hee hee--How you do go on--I allus was considerant
of yo' faults an' unspeakable habits.
Churchy: An' I is ever been forbearin' 'bout yo' snoopy ways an' turpitoods.
Owl: [taking off his glasses] Long as we's bein' such gent'mens
we kin insult each other freely without fear of hurtin' the other's feelin's.
Churchy: [poking Owl in the chest] Yes an' you is a ball-eyed bull bat.

-- Walt Kelly
Positively Pogo
(c) 1955, -56, -57